I am curious why Stephen King (Letters, August 31) should need to travel from Elmstead to Turner Road in Colchester for medical treatment.

Is he saying there is no satisfactory medical treatment in Elmstead?

He does say at Turner Road he can just walk in and out in ten minutes. He also says he can park his car for free.

But what if he had no car, or could not drive?

He says Turner Road had doctors available. But in that area there are doctors’ surgeries at High Woods, Mill Road, West Bergholt and North Hill.

It seems the problem he is indentifying is a lack of medical treatment at Elmstead.

With primary care trusts now being disbanded by the Government, the question he should consider is that as GPs will become the new fund-holders, will Turner Road continue?

He also seems to disregard the fact the Walk-in Centre closes at 10pm and isn’t used again until 7am.

In that time it could be used to relieve the pressure on Colchester General Hospital A&E.

Jack Lumber
High Woods

...My proposal to use the Turner Road walk-in centre for drunks is based on its availabilty outside normal working hours when it stands unused.

Any facility should be used to optimum availability, i.e. in this case, according to Mr King, when normally closed between 10pm and 7 am.

If the authorities are going to send drunks to the NHS for treatmant, then segragate these drunks from sober citizens.

Do that by sending drunks to the walk-in centre between 10pm and 7am, and not Colchester General Hospital A&E.

Staff up the Walk-in Centre with suitably qualified medical and security personnel, including police.

Leave Colchester General Hospital A&E “drunk free” to deal with all other members of the public needing real emergency A&E treatment.

These patients, and their relatives, should not have to suffer, or have their treatment delayed, because of the drunks.

This is the thrust of my proposal and not the interpretation which seems to have been put on it by Mr King’s lack of understanding and appreciation of the complete situation.

Drunks should be charged for their treatment and overnight stay in an appropriate manner. But proper licensing and control of pubs/clubs should be implemented by Colchester Council.

Allan Hewitt
Bluebell Way