Residents who leave their bin bags out too early could be fined for causing a hazard to blind people.

Tendring Council says residents could get a £75 fine for littering.

It also says the fine is because rubbish left out too early could leave bags exposed to being ripped open by cats and birds.

It is understood there have not been any incidents where people have fallen over rubbish bags but councillors are concerned it could happen.

The council has said it will take action against anyone who persistently leaves black bags on the pavement outside their homes days before they are due to be collected.

The authority has already fined a handful of residents in Clacton for the offence.

Environment boss Michael Talbot said: "We have given out advice on this subject over and over again and we ask that residents put their black bags out either on the day of collection or the night before."

He added: "Some may think it is harsh to give out a fixed penalty notice but I am sure the majority of people will support action being taken against those who consistently ignore the advice which is there to benefit everyone."

Barry O'Connell, of Tendring Access Group, said: "I agree with this 200 per cent."

  • More in today's Gazette