Many people have a fear of turning on the kitchen light and finding a cockroach crawling on the floor, or going into the bathroom and finding a spider staring up at you from the bath.

But Cassian Hamilton, who calls himself the Bucks Bug Man, believes creepy-crawlies, moths and butterflies are fascinating creatures.

Mr Hamilton, from Downley, sells framed insects, spiders and butterflies, and says he has always been fascinated by the subject.

"I always wanted a framed tarantula and I saw some frames in Greenwich Market and that's what really started me off."

Mr Hamilton has built up a successful business over six years, supplying frames to shops in Harrow and Portobello Road.

He had a stall in High Wycombe over Christmas which caused Julia Schoon to write into the Bucks Free Press to complain about it.

She said it was a shame the stall was selling exotic butterflies, spiders and other insects in frames.

She said: "It is tragic when such low value is placed on other species, that their lives are reduced to no more than hideous novelties."

But Mr Hamilton said nothing could be further from the truth and that Mrs Schoon is misinformed.

"I am totally against the trading of any such wild-caught species which are protected by CITES (Control of Trade in Endangered Species) ," he said. "The specimens I sell are bred at butterfly farms, many of which are Government-sponsored."

He added: "I do find a lot of people go past the stall and go 'eurgh' but these are the kind of people who are the first to flush a spider down the toilet.

"One girl turned away in hysterics," he said. "A few people say it shouldn't be done."

Mr Hamilton believes people have misconceptions about what he does because there is little information available to the public.

He said there was very little shown on TV or available in libraries about insects.

Mr Hamilton believes that, considering there are more insects in the world than every other living animal, it is tragic that not enough is known about insects and frames can help people understand more about bugs.

"I put a great deal of time and attention into every frame I produce as I want the specimens to be preserved as beautifully as possible," he said.

"If any species becomes extinct, it is a tragic loss to mankind and of absolutely no use to me or anybody else."

Mr Hamilton added that the reaction of most people is positive.

He said: "The reactions I get from children and the public still makes it worthwhile, as they are seeing creatures which most people would never get to see."

He added: "It is only when you study them closely that you appreciate how fantastic they truly are."

Mr Hamilton said that his wife used to be frightened of bugs until she learnt more about them through seeing what he did and is now fascinated by them.

And even the Bucks Bug Man himself has a problem with some of his specimens.

"I used to be terrified of spiders," he confessed.

"I don't like handling them. But I can take one out of the bath and put it outside."

Remember that the next time you see a spider in your bath.