Building work on a £4million expansion programme at the Essex Nuffield Hospital at Shenfield Road has started.

Manager Jose Perez with Brentwood and Ongar MP Eric Pickles , launched the start of the work at a special ceremony on Friday.

Mr Perez said: "The hospital is committed to offering patients the best health care possible and this latest investment will enable us to continue being a forerunner in the provision of such service in the local community.

"Following consultation with residents our site plans were approved by Brentwood Borough Council granting permission to add another operating theatre to our existing three state of the art theatres.

"There will also be two further consulting rooms for use by the 150 consultants with practising privileges at the hospital and a further 10 patient bedrooms in addition to the existing 42 rooms.

"Within the scheme other services will be relocated to make them more easily accessible to patients and staff and a single entrance will be provided along with some additional car parking.

"The demand for health care services from The Nuffield is rising at a steady rate and the new facilities are needed to help us cope with the demand."

Mr Perez said the number of patients admitted for day procedures has risen by nearly 20 per cent between 1993 and 1999 with the growth expected to continue, as more operations are available using hi-tech equipment which eases the need for long stays in hospital.

He added: "The development begins next week and is expected to take 45 weeks. During the construction period there will be some inconvenience to patients, visitors, neighbours and staff and our apologies are offered for any problems which may arise."

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