IT was an adorable setting as Westie owners dressed up their pooches in festive clothing to attend a Christmas party.

Colchester Westie Walkers held its first Westie Christmas party on Sunday, December 4, in the Colchester Canine Creche.

On the day, owners and their westies were treated to Christmas presents and festive good bags.

Amanda-Jayne Doyland, co-founder of Colchester Westie Walkers, was delighted with the turnout at the party and detailed some of the festivities.

She said: “Father Christmas got in his chair ready to say ho ho ho to the westies and have his photo taken with westies and their owners.

“They were given their certificates and their goody bag and moved in to the games rooms to open up their present if they even got that far with their present in tact.

“Once all 40 westies had seen Father Christmas they were ready for the games to start.”

The westies started off with a musical sit that had three rounds, then the dogs moved on to a game of retrieve the sausage which saw six of the Westies kindly give the sausages to their owners.

Next was a game of ball and spoon and ball between the legs which proved tricky but entertaining at the same time.

Amanda-Jayne added: “We ended the party with best dressed westie and best dressed human competitions and the humans ended up with two winners.

“The human winners were a family whose dogs, babies and parents all matched and there were three Westie winners.

“We want to say a massive thank you to everyone who came and Matt and Evija at Colchester Canine Creche for allowing us to hire the creche and helping to set everything up.

“I’d also like to thank Shirley, Karl, Julez Barthram , Daisy Barnard for their help and Alice Harker who gave up her free time to take our photos.

Colchester Westie Walkjers are set to host two parties on December 3, 2023 and hope to have up to 60 dogs with 30 westies at each party.