HALSTEAD Town Council’s new chairman and mayor is “honoured” to be elected and is committed to doing the best he can for the town.

On Monday, Halstead Council’s previous mayor Jackie Pell, 77, stepped down after completing her duties as the town’s civic leader on Monday when her mayoral term ended.

Councillor Andy Munday, 56, who has been a Halstead councillor for 14 years and a Braintree councillor for six, was elected as the new chairman of the local authority and is also now mayor.

The Halstead resident has been part of the community for the last 30 years and was nominated to be the council chairman and unanimously elected by his fellow council members on Monday.

Halstead Gazette: Delighted - Mayor Andy MundayDelighted - Mayor Andy Munday (Image: Halstead Town Council)

This will be his third time as mayor, having served two previous consecutive mayoral terms before the Covid pandemic.

He said: “I feel very privileged, it’s a privileged position to be in, you are the first citizen of Halstead, you are the face of Halstead if dignitaries or royals are to come here.

“I am honoured to do this for a third time, I want to do the best I can for Halstead.

“I try to and have done for the last 14 years as a councillor, so that will continue whether I’m mayor, or a normal town councillor, it comes with the job.

“The first thing I did once elected was pay a big tribute to councillor Pell who has been mayor for the last two years,.

"She has done a fabulous job, I’d like to thank her for the work she’s done.”

Halstead Gazette: Man of the people - Mayor Munday in 2018 cutting a ribbon for a coffee lounge at a care homeMan of the people - Mayor Munday in 2018 cutting a ribbon for a coffee lounge at a care home

One of the main roles will be to chair the town council’s meetings, and the new mayor has told the Gazette he will ensure the council “are doing the right things for Halstead”.

The mayor wants to make sure the council pushes back on things that may not be beneficial for the town such as excessive housing developments.

He also wants to make sure the council is acting on the important things wanted by its residents.

Mayor Munday said: “I just want to make sure the things that crop up are right for Halstead, where they are not, as a town council, we can do our best to make sure they are.

Halstead Gazette: Dedicated - Mayor Munday in 2018 after being appointed following predecessor Shirley DiverDedicated - Mayor Munday in 2018 after being appointed following predecessor Shirley Diver

“We are a growing town, it is recognised, there is more people in this town and that puts a burden on our infrastructure, and sometimes we’re not in control of services provided.

“But we will do our best to put pressure on relevant bodies that do control certain services.”

Councillor Jim Bond has been elected as Halstead Town Council’s vice chairman.

This role will not change Mayor Munday and he’s always happy to be approached by the public in the street if there are things concerning them.

Halstead Gazette: Serving his town - Mayor Munday at a previous summer fayreServing his town - Mayor Munday at a previous summer fayre (Image: Halstead Town Council)

“People know me, I am still a regular guy," he said.

“I’m always going to try do my best for Halstead, you have to have a set of broad shoulders.

"I’ve done it before, I’m not wavering on making sure we do the best for Halstead.”

Stepping into the role, Mayor Munday is extremely thankful to the council’s office staff, groundsmen, and “the people in the background” who do an “exceptional job” just like the town clerk and her team.