A CONSTRUCTION company has admitted its workers have “fallen short” of their own standards after no fencing was placed around building equipment a development site.  

Kier builders are currently working on Elfrada House, in Shrub End, Colchester. 

Concerns regrading the health and safety measures at the site, however, were recently flagged with Colchester Council and called into question.

Following an inspection, the authority found machinery had been left in reach the public, including families with young children who live nearby.

The public was also able to access the construction area due to no protective fencing being put in place. 

A spokesman for Kier has now said: “We care about the communities in which we work and take our responsibility to them seriously. 

“On this occasion we have fallen short of our standards and have taken steps to ensure residents can access walkways safely.”

A council spokesman previously said: “We were deeply disappointed to learn of reports received yesterday regarding missing fencing around site plant and machinery at the Elfreda House development.

"This allowed public access to the construction area, which is unacceptable. The contractor, Kier, has accepted full responsibility for this lapse”.

“We are committed to working closely with Kier to ensure the highest health and safety standards are consistently maintained on the Elfreda House site.”

The concerns were raised after Simon Burrows, 32, who lives in Anglia Close next to Elfrada House, accused council bosses of “blatant negligence” after construction machinery was left in reach of his family’s young children.